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Class session-options

Options for new sessions.

Related: Class session, Method connection.open-session

Implementations: C++

AMQP: Conceptual overview, Begin performative

Basic properties and methods

constructor Create a new session-options instance[session]session-options

Extended attributes

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
properties Application-defined propertiesmap of symbolobjectnull
offered-capabilities Extensions the endpoint supportsarray of symbolnull
desired-capabilities Extensions the endpoint can usearray of symbolnull

Event processing

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
handler The event handler for the endpointmessaging-handlernull

Flow control

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
incoming-capacity Control the number of incoming bytes the session will bufferintnull

Resource limits

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
max-links Limit the number of links on this sessionuintnull
incoming-window Limit the number of incoming transfer framesuintnull
outgoing-window Limit the number of outgoing transfer framesuintnull