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Class sender

A channel for sending messages. A sender contains an ordered sequence of deliveries.

Related: Class sender-options, Class session, Class receiver, Class delivery, Class terminus

Implementations: C, C++, Java, Python

AMQP: Conceptual overview, Attach performative, Detach performative, Flow performative, Transfer performative, Disposition performative

Basic properties and methods

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
container The container holding this endpoint objectcontainerinstance
session The containing sessionsessioninstance
source The source end of the linksourceinstance
target The target end of the linktargetinstance
name The link namestringdiscovered
trackers The trackers contained in this senderiterator of trackerinstance
open Open the sender[sender-options]
close Close the sender[error-condition]
detach Detach the sender without closing it[error-condition]

Endpoint lifecycle

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
state The remote endpoint stateendpoint-statediscovered
error The remote endpoint error conditionerror-conditiondiscovered

Event processing

add-work Register a function to be calledfunction

Extended attributes

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
properties Application-defined propertiesmap of symbolobjectdiscovered
offered-capabilities Extensions the endpoint supportsarray of symboldiscovered
desired-capabilities Extensions the endpoint can usearray of symboldiscovered


PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
delivery-mode The message delivery guaranteedelivery-modediscovered

Flow control

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
credit The number of messages the receiving end can acceptlongdiscovered
draining proposedThe sender is being drainedbooleandiscovered
sendable proposedA message can be sentbooleandiscovered

Resource limits

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
max-message-size The maximum message sizeulongdiscovered

Message operations

send Send a message on the linkmessagetracker