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Class connection

A channel for communication between two peers on a network.

In current implementations, a connection corresponds to a TCP connection, represented by a transport.

A connection object contains zero or more session objects, which in turn contain zero or more senders and zero or more receivers.

Related: Class connection-options, Class transport, Class session

Implementations: C, C++, Java, Python

AMQP: Conceptual overview, Open performative, Close performative

Basic properties and methods

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
container The container holding this endpoint objectcontainerinstance
transport The associated network transporttransportinstance
sessions The sessions contained in this connectioniterator of sessioninstance
default-session The session used by open-sender and open-receiversessioninstance
open Open the connection[connection-options]
close Close the connection[error-condition]

Endpoint lifecycle

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
state The remote endpoint stateendpoint-statediscovered
error The remote endpoint error conditionerror-conditiondiscovered

Event processing

add-work Register a function to be calledfunction

Extended attributes

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
properties Application-defined propertiesmap of symbolobjectdiscovered
offered-capabilities Extensions the endpoint supportsarray of symboldiscovered
desired-capabilities Extensions the endpoint can usearray of symboldiscovered

Message operations

send Send a message on the default session using an anonymous sendermessagetracker

Sender and receiver operations

open-sender Create and open a sender using the default sessionaddress, [sender-options]sender
open-receiver Create and open a receiver using the default sessionaddress, [receiver-options]receiver

Session operations

open-session Create and open a session[session-options]session


PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
container-id The unique identity of the containerstringdiscovered
virtual-host The virtual host namestringdiscovered
user The identity of the user associated with the connectionstringdiscovered

Resource limits

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
idle-timeout The time after which an idle connection expiresdurationdiscovered
max-sessions The maximum active sessions allowedushortdiscovered
max-frame-size The maximum frame size alloweduintdiscovered