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Class connection-options

Options for new connections.

Related: Class connection, Method container.connect, Method container.listen

Implementations: C++

AMQP: Conceptual overview, Open performative

Basic properties and methods

constructor Create a new connection-options instance[connection]connection-options


PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
container-id The connection container identifierstringgenerated
virtual-host The virtual host namestringnull
user The identity of the user associated with the connectionstringnull


PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
password The user authentication secretstringnull
sasl-enabled Enable or disable the SASL security layerbooleantrue
sasl-allowed-mechs The SASL mechanisms the local peer permitsstringnull
tls-enabled Enable or disable TLSbooleantrue

Resource limits

PropertySummaryTypeDefault valueMutableNullable
idle-timeout Expire the connection after a period of inactivitydurationnull
max-sessions Limit the number of active sessionsushortnull
max-frame-size Limit the size of AMQP framesuintnull